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Born in Quebec City (Canada) in 1974, Yann Normand began his work in the arts by drawing and painting. His personal experiences lead to the artistic exploration and technical development of his work. Heavily influenced by industrial materials and the desire to work more sculpturally, Normand began using of steel, welding the medium to create intricate and complex pieces which are the perfect harmony between materiality and his visual dialogue. He has been sculpting for over 15 years with each new body of work exposing more energy and dynamism through the use of steel.
The intricate welding of hundreds of pieces of steel turns fragments into forms emerging straight from Normand`s imagination and his skilled metalworking. It is through this process that energy and movement become palpable in his works. Each piece demands viewers to scrutinize, in close proximity, the meticulous and stunning work that Normand creates.
Normand is humbly inspired by the balance between natural forces, silence, spiritual ideals and industrial elements. Normand strives to produce work that is honest, authentic and scalable, as each impressive sculpture represents a great deal of effort, and heart. Normand's work exposes the love and passion he has for sculpting and each piece is a testament to the scrupulous care and devotion he puts into the entire creative process.
Artiste autodidacte originaire de Québec, Yann Normand (1974) débuta son travail par le dessin et la peinture. Ses différentes expériences, son élaboration technique et sa recherche artistique l'ont mené à la rencontre de l'acier et de la sculpture, qu'il pratique depuis plus de 15 ans.
Les techniques utilisées donnent vie à des œuvres où se devine l'énergie du geste, par le mouvement donné à l'acier. S'inspirant de l'équilibre entre les forces, du silence, d'éléments spirituels, puis industriels, le travail de l'artiste se veut intègre, authentique et évolutif. Les sculptures témoignent ainsi de l’amour de l’artiste pour ce qu’il fait et qu'avant d'exister, chacune a d'abord frayé son chemin au cœur de l'homme.
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